Periodontal Disease

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection of the bone in the gums. The bone becomes infected and begins to recede from the teeth, which may eventually loosen.

What causes periodontal disease?

The primary culprit is bacteria that populate in the pocket of the gums. If the bacteria are not properly removed from the mouth, it overgrows in large numbers and begins attacking our bones and gums. It's one of the most common diseases in our mouth along with cavities. Without proper oral care, the bacteria can take over the mouth and start dissolving bones and gums.

What are the symptoms of periodontal disease?

There are multiple symptoms. These include bleeding gums, loose teeth, bad breath, painful teeth, and puffy gums.

What other conditions are connected to periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is linked to many systemic conditions. The most common ones are diabetes, high blood pressure, and even pancreatic cancer.

Can periodontal disease be cured?

Unfortunately, periodontal disease is a chronic disease. We might not always be able to cure it completely, but it is crucial for us to stabilize and control the disease. The approach is similar to managing high blood pressure. Once diagnosed, you have to take care of yourself through diet, exercise, or medication to control the disease. Our goal is to prevent the bacteria from taking over and destroying your bone and gums.

What treatment options are available for fighting periodontal disease?

There are multiple treatments available. We have non-surgical and surgical treatments. Non-surgical treatments include scaling and root planing, where we remove as much disease-causing bacteria as possible. Patient maintenance is also crucial. For advanced cases, surgical intervention might be required.

Are teeth cleaning and periodontal treatment painful?

The answer varies from person to person. We have different ways of keeping our patients comfortable during treatment, like topical anesthetics, to prevent the gums from hurting.

How can I schedule a dental appointment?

Scheduling a dental appointment is easy. The first step is to call our office at (941) 877-5262 for a proper diagnosis.

If you're ready to address your problems, please give us a call at (941) 877-5262. I look forward to meeting you.